Truth Revolution Clothing
PO Box 232, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
Truth Revolution Clothing
PO Box 232, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
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Good show Nathan. No click bait, no grift, informative with a good flow. Thanks.
i just realized 15 minute city in most of America means you will got shot within 15 minutes of getting there. 15 minute life expectancy, Chicago aka chiraq, will be the model city.
I’m a tired working mother of two. I live in a 15 minute city. Cinema, chiropractor, clinics, subway, clothing stores, multiple groceries, eye doctors, Indian, Egyptian, Korean, Chinese, fast food, post office and gym all within 15 minutes, walking. I live in a house as well. I’m not sure if I like it but most of the time my tired brain and body appreciate the access. We get out of town on the weekends as much as possible. When I think of the alternative I feel even more tired. With a young family I’m happy to be where I am right now.
Keep up the good work
Nathan why don't you move to rumble?you could have more in depth shows and not worry about subject content.A lot of big YouTubers have moved over.
15 minute cities sound like an extension of the Green New Deal and previous Agenda 21 plans. I don't think any non-market driven, government incentivized or NGO centralized, top-down planning for communities is a good idea. It is all about control and less freedom of movement and limiting ability to travel, under the guise of being better for the environment. Of course they don't want museums, they want people spoon fed 10 second videos on Tik Tok. They don't want the common person to travel the world and learn about different cultures. They want us locked down in a short controllable radius, no car and with no hope of escape. Sounds like an Orwellian nightmare.
"It's okay to be white" is a loaded term, yes? It didn't just organically come about. Calling it hate speech might be a bit much though. Maybe.