1. Time for us to invade Saudi Arabia they are opressing women and OGBUQ people and it must stop and the oil is just a second thought

  2. All caps could be code-talking for 'ens legis' ultra-juridical, 'ultra vires' action

  3. You're looking good Nathan, my brother.

  4. We built the Chinese and the middle East and now that we've made them rich too they threaten to hurt you? Am I missing something here? Are we actually on the right side of good and bad this time. Cuz I'm unaware of anything horrible that we've done to the Chinese. Muslim countries one can certainly have that debate. As far as Saudi Arabia goes I'm not sure what are crime there is.

  5. I like your trump logic Nathan. No I'm not going to call Muslim people camel jockies. I'm not going to do it. I simply refuse to call Muslim people camel jockies lol

  6. Getting indicated really sucks.

  7. love up Nathan ..Archaix channel ! x

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