Clearance Sale @ Truth Revolution Clothing:


  1. I live in Frsnklin, NC. The eye of the storm went directly over us do thankfully we had next to zero damage. The surrounding areas are bad! The gov is doing nect to nothing. Locals and other citizens are doing most of the rescue, food, supplies etc. My 80 year old mom went to Asheville today with some of her younger friends to help at a distribution site dorting supplies. She said it looked terrible. M6 husband and i donated a substantial amount of money to a friends relief effort. Our country is in a sad state of affairs. Stock up, get ready for the collapse.

  2. Good to have you back, but sorry the job didn't pan out.

  3. Happy to see you put something up. I’m back up here in the mountains. It’s a shit show.

  4. I applied for FEMA help in SC and was denied. Back in the old days FEMA bought people campers! There was no help from anywhere. No 911 my Dad was without oxygen for 5 days. Luckily he survived.

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