1. @BmoreBusker do you ever watch Deeslounge615 music livestreams?

  2. Allegedly John Podesta's best friend/business partner was arrested for sexual abuse w/ toddlers. Anyone else hear about this? Remember his name?

  3. Projection. Her 'joy' campaign just like the Nazi's 'Strength Through Joy' campaign – 'Kraft durch Freude'. Idiots forget he was already president for four years and it was GOOD. He doesn't even want to be president, but 8 years of Queen Hillary and America and most Americans might not be here anymore. We're barely here after four years of Biden/Harris.

  4. Demorats are desperate they're pullin the Hitler card out shows how weak they are.

  5. Trump compares trump to hitler

  6. Your pathetic coverage of J6 leads you into just not willing to believe the truth about the Ali Akbar Alexander/ Tulsi Gabbard relationship. Yes, they know each other well, and yes, she let Ali Akbar Alexander have control of her woman's march. Tulsi was the only one powerful enough to pull a permit to demonstrate on the capital during covid. Without Tulsi no crowds would even be able to gather on J6 during covid and you can clearly see Ali Akbar Alexander has the bullhorn and full control of the Woman's group, that's not odd to you are you just a terrible journalist? Why is a journalist a fanboy of politicians in the first place? What kind of journalist are you?

  7. Thanks for streaming n8, good show.

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