Jordan Sather interview with Michael Trimm:

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  1. Nathan…you hit the nail on the head…spot on…let us not be tricked again….good man

  2. The Q continuam has always been a big problem for the federation of planets.

  3. Jordan is constantly pushing the fake secret space program. Nobody has ever went into space. Globe Earth and Outer space are psyops. It's funneling money from the taxpayers to the Deep State Satanist.

  4. Sather is doing too much mind-altering substances. It makes it hard to keep track of inconsistencies when they pop up in his attempts to cover so many subjects. I don't have a problem with their claims of all these drugs "opening" their horizons, but they need to surround themselves with "editors" to help them to keep things from falling through the cracks.

  5. Problem > Reaction > Solution.
    (____) is a problem. We need to do something about (____). (Insert tyrannical solution here)

  6. Questions with a Russian diplomat AFTER the election***

  7. Jordan pushing disclosure and their Not demons. It's a spiritual decision creator /creation

  8. October 1 changes? and Law of One — these are of great interest, at least to me. (I am mostly MAGA, recently-new youtube viewer in the last couple of months due to Las Vegas and "Q-anon"). Politics and spirituality, what a mix!

  9. Dictator of a people physical a coming dictatorship of the mind. And the organic man goes….

  10. it is strange each time i watch some of tracy beanz or some of the other people this guy in this video mention, 7 or 8 of his videos pops up in the section to the right….it seems this lift the veil guy here is a deep state implant to distract …how the hell can a small channel with only 4 thousands subs pop up all the time and so often…it makes no sence 🙁

  11. Quinn says Q is A.I. … many do not agree

  12. reminds me of "Want to play a game?"

  13. So you are a statist? That sucks.

  14. Great short video – my takeaway is that we are in fact possibly heading toward an overt fascist takeover by the MAGA gang in cahoots with the "deep state" gang.
    4K plus indictments and rumors of preparation for civil unrest?
    THAT is what would happen if all of the vocal alt-left, middle-ground (religious anti-war activists of all stripes), and alt-right leaning critics of our gubment would be rounded up.
    I sure hope I'm wrong but I have a very bad feeling about all of this.

  15. Jordan's popularity is exploding because he is open to information and comes through absolutely sincerely. He doesn't live in 'duality' looking for the good side and the bad side (apart from the obvious 'elite' vs 'the rest of us'). He gathers up the news of the day/week and presents it in a way that I can understand. There is nothing he has ever said that he can't back out of – because his presentation is truthful. He draws no conclusions. He says "this is interesting". And then he moves on. He is trustworthy. People see it. His knowledge of alternative medicine and courageous position on vaccine dangers contribute to his authenticity. I don't feel that I can say the same thing about any of the the rest of the independent "news" tubers. Not a single one of you. Sadly. Many are on my short list of resources for "interesting" information – but no one is an absolute authority. Keep in mind that nothing about Q is known by anyone. The marines at the CIA is still a "fact" until otherwise proven – but no conclusions can be drawn. You hold the information in your hand until it serves no more interest and then discard it. Unfortunately, your stance seems to be more and more to pick apart the alt media and NOT the status quo. Maybe turn your guns on the people in power – that might be a better use of your time. You're like that guy in the meeting that picks apart the guy that has a workable plan. You're not wrong, per se…you're just not with the forward momentum of the group.

    Hint…see if you can have a conversation without using terms like "maga", "new age", "for the wall against the wall". These terms are so imprecise. They allow you to pigeonhole people in one direction or another without defining terms. And leaving no room for diversity of thought. In other words – Don't ask me what issue I'm into in order to figure out whether I'm a good person or bad. Its not relevant. I don't care whether someone is Republican or Democrat or Liberal – and if you have to use "issues" to define what you believe you are still in the old black/white – zero sum reality. Jordan is correct – we are moving into a new time and energy where everything is going to change.

  16. Jordan is way to in love with all things Trump to be taken serious. I am starting to see him much the same way I came to see David Seaman; 100% bullshit artist.

  17. Important to contribute good things about humanity to "Mind".

  18. Man I so agree with you on all your points. Right on.

  19. Spot on Nathan!.I've been thinking the same things that you discussed today.

  20. All those you mentioned Jordan Tracy there Zionists pushing Trump Israel like info2ars savage brietbart Shapiro Milo Crowder ECT all Bi Bi 's puppet

  21. Destroy the illusion says it all disinfo agent

  22. Jordan is there prop up trump for Israel

  23. Something going on with all the beards/mustaches – these guys all have them. Looks like your growing one to Nathan. Just an observation.

  24. Q didn't stop on 11/25, but went to 8ch, because 4chan was getting too much garbage and appeared to be compromised.  It continues. Not NSA, but MI. Martial law is not for sure, but only if Antifa or its like cause problems.  POTUS has control of Marines.  Not defending; I have questions, too.
    Jordan doesn't really know what Q has reported apparently.  Everything reported is according to law.  Trump will not allow himself to be set up to work outside the law. If its not okay for them to do to us, its not okay for us to do to them.  What is happening is a lot of laws from Bush and Obama, which should be taken off the books because they allow the lose of rights, could be used against those who allowed these laws to be written.  However, since the Military will have tribunals according to military codes, these are all listed by Q, its to get around the corrupt courts… remember Sessions ordered all judges to abide by the rule of law shortly before these things began. And it helps maintain secrecy of the operation.  It may have been a reminder or a warning to them.
    By the way, Q clearance is the highest clearance of the Dept of Energy, similar to Top Secret in the DoD.  Check it out in Wikipedia.  Could Q be from the DoE?  Whomever, they do know a lot of what is going on.
    The only question is how does BO also know some things?  His(unlawful) trips are scheduled before or after Trump's.
    I think the main reason there is a "Q" and some info is given in the form of hints and questions is to make those who do research a way to go, something to look for.  It is also to have a segment of the population (20% public/80% private) know what is going on because there is a real issue of how people will react when all those indictments are opened and Marines go to doors and arrest people, especially fans of Hillary and others.  Those who research are usually patriots and God knows Trumps needs patriots at his back.
    All announcement will come by the Emergency Broadcast System from the Justice Dept, likely Sessions.  While Trump knows some of what is happening, and may be guiding part of it, it is not all his ballgame.  The Justice Dept and the Military, namely Marines, are doing this.  They call it a soft coup.  
    It has also been reported there have been 7 attempts on Trumps life.  The last time was supposed to be in LV, but he wasn't there yet, not due for 3 hours.  But the Saudis who own the hotel were on the top floor.  They have since been arrested in their country.  Merkel is going down.  Pakistan leader, Modi?, is going down.  This is to take down the cabal, which is world wide.  The biggest enemy of the cabal is the internet.  Without it we may have already all died in WWIII.  You are right that it is the people who have to change and do something.  I really have gotten that same message from Q, also.

  25. Can we discuss organizing Libertarian communities? Aren't you sick and tired of living around parasites and control freaks?

  26. Got to agree with you on Q. Could all of this be designed to distract us from the genocide in Yemen?

  27. "Well, I want ONE WORLD TYRANNY…. but, i at least I'd end free speech ". Awesome.

  28. Thank you for your enlightening post. So many people are buying into the Q narrative, and it’s downright frightening to see people apologizing for this view point. Being libertarian as well, I think they are taking the temperature of the truther climate before they make any moves, but martial law is NEVER the answer under any circumstances. I previously supported Trump until Syria and its own agenda rich narrative. I was always super critical of all Presidents, and never agreed with mass surveillance period.
    It’s sad to see people like Alex Jones, who a decade ago was a completely different person exposing the false left/right paradigm, and holding most people accountable. Now, he is completely apologist for Trump and quite disgusting. Please come by my other channel CipherNews, and a post I made called ‘The Storm called Q-Anon’ where I warned people about predictive programming, Trump, and being critical of this Q following. Thanks so much for the refreshing perspective, and I’m glad you see through this as several of us do. God bless.

  29. If Alex Jones is the King, Benjamin Fulford is the Prince of shit cunts. I really am loving how nate dogg is diligently and very fairly pointing out suspicious shills, because this work has invaluable in my truth journey, because shills, are as corny as these douche bags, really cringe me! great work!

  30. I guess I am always Leary of something that seems too good to be true. Q’s information could be dangerous in that we are putting a lot of faith in the “stay calm, carry on; let the military take care of it, etc.”. Could Q’s input keep the far right researching and debating instead of rising up if this turns into a Trump witch hunt? If Q was out here, I think the Trump supporters would be a lot more riled up!

    I remain hopeful that Q is giving good info and the president is running a 3D chess match of epic proportions. However, the solution seems too good to be true. Even if the net catches players from both sides, when has this ever happened in the history of the United States?

  31. Big problem with not using the military is that the judges and courts are so infiltrated with pedo's that they are so severely compromised, it is outrageous.

  32. I follow Q. The Q posts are mostly questions that lead to more questions til the end of a post. Almost like homework for would be analysts. Answers to Q posts are monitored by Q and guidance is given on the next post with more Questions. Rinse Repeat. That is the Q community in a nutshell.

    Q basically teaches a form of structured analysis that is easy for anyone to understand. Emphasis on Questions "ala Jeopardy" as a lead in, Q's exercise acclimates your mind to question all info. To be a better critical thinker.

    I'll leave two links below. First one is a Red pill. Best primer to Q to date. Second one is a Blue pill. Best explanation of who/what is Q. Honestly you should visit both, you might like what you find. 😉

    Red Pill=>

    Blue Pill=>

  33. I remember Robert David Steele saying something like 'I don't want to defund the FBI, I want to quadruple funding, but give them some teeth!' and Jordan was like 'yeah, right on'

  34. There are over 4,000 Sealed Federal Indictments as we speak! There are a lot of predictions that have come to pass! SA, Pakistan, Rothchilds, If you follow the white rabbit, You will see that it isn't BS. Roy Potter is a Retired Lt C. in the Army. Obviously you have not been paying attention. See Tracy Beanz and others!

  35. Flynn is being charged with a very minor charge in comparison to what Hillary did! If he was in real trouble the charges would be much worse if there was actual collusion! Which there is not! Mueller was implicated in the Uranium One Scandal according to information from WikiLeaks documents! Also, Robert Mueller was not eligible to become the FBI Director after he already served his full term and then some. So, why did Mueller meet with Trump when he was interviewing for a new FBI Director? Because, he was turned to Trump's Side otherwise he would have been sent to Gitmo as an Enemy Combatant. You need to read the Q Posts in order to connect the dots and do your own research. This is the entire point fro the questions and for you to look up the info yourself! Do Your Own Research!

  36. Not all the people who follow Q believe what Jordan Sather is talking about! But I can tell you that there really are aliens/demons! I know for a different reason than you might guess! Not going to go inti tho'!

  37. Anyone who advocates open borders does not believe in the sovereignty of nations and therefore must be in favor of Globalism. Anyone who would allow America to be invaded by third world migrants, like what’s currently destroying Western Europe, is an enemy to our country. Mass surveillance is never acceptable. Martial Law is dangerous however our country is so riddled with leftist terrorist that it may be the only option to avoid out right civil war because those of us on the right will never submit to Islam or Anarco-Communism without shedding lots of blood.

  38. The proposition that the NSA needed approval before selective monitoring of any particular person is naive. What we should always focus upon is intelligence about NSA's capabilities. If they are capable of monitoring anyone, they will!

  39. Nathan as always your narrative seems to always being on attack with the channels that are getting traffic and you try to leach on to their narrative in order to advance you means of support .

  40. anyone can see through your bull shit

  41. You really need to change that thumbnail picture. I thought my Sky Q box was going to rape me during the night or something.

  42. So IF Martial Law came to our neighborhood, what do you suggest we do? Run out the door with our guns and start shooting at our military? How much sense does that make? What do you suggest one should do to resist?

    And should we just keep the criminals in power?

  43. I haven't heard InfoWars say a thing about any of this.


  45. no he said it's ok if it's used on people who are doing the wrong things…. not just anyone

  46. I've never heard of Jordon before, just clarifying with the words he actually used

  47. I agree it's not hanky doorey, getting our hopes up is living in fantasy. But we must wake up and more…

  48. Marshal law is a way of catching us with our pants down so to speak so we are forced to take the chip which is the mark of the beast.

  49. Jordan is still very young and therefore still shows his naïveté when it comes to a utopian world that will never happen. For there to be good there must be bad, the ying to the yang concept. Cannot have one without the other. As far as Q goes, if nothing else I have learned some very interesting facts/history from the Q posts. I do hope the revolution is real and our government is cleaned up. Lord knows it could use it.

  50. I'm fascinated by #pizzagate and #Qanon, and I especially enjoy your smart mixing of open-mindedness and logical discernment. Please keep up your good work, and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  51. Q is not dangerous and this wolf in sheep's clothing is a BULLSHIT artist/ shill. Don't be too gullible people. Don't swallow whole what this arrogant jerk spouts. Q is the real thing and everything is going along fine. DO NOT BELIEVE this dolt…research Q yourself ! You and this arrogant shill can believe whatever you want but if you follow this guy you will not be helping and you will just have to figure it out later. His interpretations of Q are rediculous!!!! This channel carries a certainty point of view that is incorrect and wasting your time and energy. BULLSHIT ARTIST. SICK.

  52. Your concerns are legitimate in my opinion. In all accounts involving interpreting current events reporting… I believe theres way too many unknown variables to impose that you know beyond a resonable truth that you posses the facts be told. Such ideologies need not be cast publically without disclaiming the fallacy of error existing therein.

  53. Do you know about the Kingsley Syndrome? I just heard about it. If you haven’t you may want to do a quick google.

  54. Q is an A.I. bot. Don’t be fooled!

  55. Dude…your wacked. Figures a Q hater is also a F wit.

  56. You start off asking for $ and selling your merchandise? You are not worth listening to.

  57. yeah and hillary not a pedo

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