A new study from Oxford seems to offer confirmation of the types of trolling and harassment campaigns that YouTubers and others in the alternative media have been reporting for some time. We’ll get into that as well as the Justine Damond case and we’ll talk about the controversial subject of “positive thinking”. Taking calls.

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  1. Are u by chance a Taurus?

  2. You help people every day just by sharing your own hardships. It's all good, my friend! Thank you

  3. The guy named Jeff was an awesome caller. Jeff if you see these comments you should start a YT channel! I had researched pizza + bitcoin and read some seriously disturbing commentary – so with that and the NWO agenda for crypto currency etc its a big problem for me.

  4. South Park did a whole storyline on social media manipulation

  5. I guess your acting contract hasn't been renewed. Time to write an autobiography of how you were inducted into this dramatical farce by a shadowy group of individuals

  6. you are losing all yr momentum with this bullshit- so could u explain what channel I should check? I'm so confused

  7. Good stuff today, my yesterday.

  8. There is other U Tube channel s that R Being Attacked.

  9. I am so glad you Meet Quinn .Quinn Is Special. We R All special ,But his Strength Is important Now…Nathan I have gone through This. It is hard. Keep Praying To The GOD of Heaven' s

  10. You are a targeted individual. One small thing. Jesus was not kind of Buddhist. Jesus came as a sword because there is only one way to the Father and that is through Him. Jesus Christ would literally call Buddhism a false path and an abomination to God. It's one more path leading people away from the truth that is Jesus Christ.

    God bless.

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